Thursday, March 31, 2005

Living the life


School has been busy. This week i've been coming home around 10 everynight. That wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a wife waiting for me to come home. :)

School is getting busy. I think all the profs. are trying to load us up with projects and info before we get into finals. I guess that's a good thing.

The DOC. is coming along nicely. Another few late nights and i'll have that badboy all sown up. That'll be nice. My little brother Taylor is working on the film's p.r. stuff for me. He's making a movie poster and all that. It looks pretty good. Once I have a final copy I'll post it up on the site.

Well back to work.

I think I may have found the bug that will make the trip to Mexico. It's really beat up, but that'll work perfect.

Ok, Well i'd better go.

Living the life


School has been busy. This week i've been coming home around 10 everynight. That wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a wife waiting for me to come home. :)

School is getting busy. I think all the profs. are trying to load us up with projects and info before we get into finals. I guess that's a good thing.

The DOC. is coming along nicely. Another few late nights and i'll have that badboy all sown up. That'll be nice. My little brother Taylor is working on the film's p.r. stuff for me. He's making a movie poster and all that. It looks pretty good. Once I have a final copy I'll post it up on the site.

Well back to work.

I think I may have found the bug that will make the trip to Mexico. It's really beat up, but that'll work perfect.

Ok, Well i'd better go.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

list of films in the competition

Here is the list of all the films that are in the competition.

Check it out.

We are still in the process of finalizing scheduling; please return to this page for updates again. We would like to say Contratulations to all of those who submitted their work.

The following have been selected as the feature finalists from the Reel Frontier Film and Video Competion:

After The Apocalypse (New Jersey)
America 101 (Arizona)
Artist Of Resistance (Arizona)
The Aryan Couple (US/British Virgin Isles)
Behind Enemy Lines (Israel)
The Colt (New York)
Como Voy A Olvidarte (Ecuador)
Cuba Libre (California)
The Godfather of Green Bay (California)
hummingbird (USA/Brazil)
In Modern Time (Maryland)
The Lady Is A Champ (Israel)
Mass of Angels (New York)
Mauna Kea – The Temple Under Siege (Hawaii)
The Olive Harvest (Palestine)
One Shot (Israel)
The Passing (Arizona)
Poliedro (Spain)
The Prince of Jersey (New Jersey)
Que Vivan Los Pepenadores (USA/El Salvador)
A Second Final Rest: The History of San Francisco Cemeteries (California)
Tres Generaciones (New York)
Waging A Living (New York)
The White Horse Is Dead (California)

Arizona International Film Festival


They've posted all the finalist in the Arizona Film Festival have been posted. Here's the list. My doc. premieres on the 22nd of April. Only problem is that Todd is getting married the next day in Idaho and the rehersal dinner is the night before. So, It's a bummer. I guess we'll see what happens I fly back Sunday night and if the documentary wins in the documentary competition they will show it again Sunday.

I'll keep you posted.

Still no word on the bug. I haven't seen any good deals yet.

The condo is coming along fine. The fam was in town and they helped us out big time on getting our house up to par. They were a big help. The design team was painting and doing all fabric and color matching and all that. It was a big help. We tore out the kitchen. We have to wait 4 weeks for the cupbords to be delivered. I think it'll give us some time to get all the rest of the remodeling done.

But, we'll get the house done about the time we head to mexico.

well, happy easter. I hope all is well.


Thursday, March 17, 2005

VW BUG/ Documentary

After this semester Cristi and I are going to Mexico for a semester. I want to buy an old VW bug. Do you think that would be a good idea? I think it'd be a lot of fun. We aren't too far from Mexico as it is. A bug is a pretty common car down there, so parts and getting it fixed would be really easy. So, I think that it would be a lot of fun.

V-dubs get great gas milage and we can just take our time heading down to Mexico stopping in little villages and eating good food. I think that's be fun.

All I need now is to find a cool old bug.

If anyone knows of one let me know.

The documentary is coming along great. I've got to put subtitles on it and also do some voice over that could be time consuming but it's shaping up really nice. I was working on the credits last night and adding some music.

I've got 2 really great artist on the doc. One is my sister in law who has a great voice and has written some really good songs

the other is my buddy here at school Brent Rae. He's got a really great song that he let me listen to and I knew I had to put it on.

Monday, March 14, 2005

pictoral essay from time article link on poverty

Here's a link for the pictures from the TIME article. they even have a picture of someone working in a garbage dump. Kinda interresting

check it out

Good article in TIME this week

Check out an article in TIME this week. MARCH 14,2005

There is a really interesting article about ending poverty.

There are a lot of interesting ideas in it.

check it out.

the author also just came out with a book

I believe his name is Jeffery Sachs.

Worth looking into. Let me know if anyone has read the book or article.

i THOUGHT it was really interesting.

meet the press in EL Salvador

meet the press in EL Salvador
Originally uploaded by waxbang.
Meet the press in El Salvador for our soles for souls project.

Acceptance of the film

Well, I just got word that my documentary about the People of la Espiga and our project just got accepted to the Arizona International Film Festival. I was pumped when I found out. This is the email that they sent me:

Dear Brooks:

We are pleased to inform you that QUE VIVAN LOS PEPENADORES 

has beenselected to screen at the 2005 Arizona International
Film Festival (April 14-24).

Please confirm your participation and exhibition
format (mini-dv) as soon as possible. This will allow us
to schedule your film accordingly and notify you of
your screening slot at the festival.

Please correspond to -- this
e-mail address will allow you easy access to the
programming staff.

Please also notify us if you are planning to attend
the festival so that we can help facilitate your

Please keep us informed of the status of your

post-production. Please send press materials

and photos to: AzFilmFest, 127 East Congress
Tucson, AZ 85701.

Congratulations and we look forward to your
participation in Festival 2005.

Giulio Scalinger
Festival Director

I am working on a much more in depth documentary that addresses the issues of poverty on a wider scale. I submitted "Que Vivan los Pepenadores" as a very rough cut with no music, subtitles, narration and I knew that the visual content was really good but, I wasn't really quite sure about the rest. I really didn't expect it to get accepted. the festival has submissions from all over the world and a ton of entrants from around the country.

I'm thrilled for the oppurtunity. It'll be a lot of fun for sure.

check out their website

and click on the film festival icon.

i'll keep you posted on how that goes and how the whole experince is.

It's right before Todd's (my brother) wedding and finals for school It's going to be a very wild week.

Until next time.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

One mid-term done 3 to go

one mid-term down. 3 to go. Hopefully, they'll all go good. I think that the Accounting final went well. It was a lot OF studying. Friday night I was in the library until 12.

What can you do?

Anyways, things are good today I was at church and everyone is really nice. They all went out of thier way to introduce themselves. The one thing that i've noticed is that everyone is educated. Not just educated but overly educated. It was funny because someone asked me about where I was going to school. And I told him that I was at Thunderbird and he said yeah that's a great school I did my undergrad at stanford and got my MBA at Harvard. And to be honest it seems like everyone else went to Harvard or some place like that. But, everyone has a lot of cool stories about what they have done in thier lives. Many of them are older We have the current attorney general of AZ, a bunch of lawyers, the chief justice here in AZ too. They are all really interesting and fun to talk to. It is probably the one of the best wards i've been in.

WELL I'M GOING TO bounce until next time.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Originally uploaded by waxbang.

el salvador dump pic

Originally uploaded by waxbang.
Child of the dump

taken by Cristi Dame


Originally uploaded by waxbang.
I love this picture of these 3 kids

Photo by Cristi Dame

dump pic

Originally uploaded by waxbang.
KIDS sitting on a tractor at the dumps

photo taken by cristi dame

Mid-terms/ mexico


mid-terms starts this week. So far it's been pretty rough. It's been awhile since i've had to condition my brain to retain so much info at one time. But, I know it'll be good for me. I really love it down here in AZ. it's really nice. The weather is great the people are cool. School is really good to I feel like I'm getting a lot of valuable information and learning a lot while meeting really great people and having a lot of fun.

Our condo is great well it would be great if it was all remodeled or I had the time to go and do all that stuff along with school. We are still sleeping on the floor. The goal is to have at least the bedrooms done by next weekend.

I'll try and post some before and afters later.

I'm also going to try to post some dump pictures. i've been having some trouble doing that. I want get that all set up for the people who helped us out.

I'm working on editing the documentary. I've finished a rough cut of what I want but there are a lot of things that I feel like the film is still lacking. If it's going to make it into Sundance we need to get it all done by september.

I met a guy here that used to do a lot of commercials and marketing, and he said he's got a guy who wants to help me edit it. And there is also a producer who is wanting to find a movie to finance. That would be sweet if it worked out. I need to talk to him and see what the details are.

I'm working on sending a diffeerent version of the doc related more to the soles for souls project to submit to some smaller film festivals. I'll let you know if anything happens with it.

Also, i'm going to do a semester at Thunderbird's overseas mexico campus. That should be fun. I'm looking forward to moving down there for a few months.

Until next time.