Sunday, March 06, 2005

One mid-term done 3 to go

one mid-term down. 3 to go. Hopefully, they'll all go good. I think that the Accounting final went well. It was a lot OF studying. Friday night I was in the library until 12.

What can you do?

Anyways, things are good today I was at church and everyone is really nice. They all went out of thier way to introduce themselves. The one thing that i've noticed is that everyone is educated. Not just educated but overly educated. It was funny because someone asked me about where I was going to school. And I told him that I was at Thunderbird and he said yeah that's a great school I did my undergrad at stanford and got my MBA at Harvard. And to be honest it seems like everyone else went to Harvard or some place like that. But, everyone has a lot of cool stories about what they have done in thier lives. Many of them are older We have the current attorney general of AZ, a bunch of lawyers, the chief justice here in AZ too. They are all really interesting and fun to talk to. It is probably the one of the best wards i've been in.

WELL I'M GOING TO bounce until next time.


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