Sunday, October 22, 2006

Cool concept

Go to this website

This is a cool idea. The idea is to lend money to a entrepreneur in another country.
Then they pay you back the loan. And you can re-invest in another business or get your money. It's micro-enterprise loans taken more mainstream.

I like it.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Brooks 2.0

Brooks 2.0

UDY'S and Brooks

Brooks and Brooks No I didn't stutter.

Well The Udy's told me that they used to go on my blog all the time and then they stopped. Why did they stop. Well it is simple really. I started slackin' and not posting new material. So, I figure that the best way to bring back my loyal viewers is take pictures of them and their kid who shares my name.
Sound like a GOOD PLAN? Well, that's what I did.

Ok, well we were down in Utah and we had lunch with my good ol' mission companion E. Udy and his lovely wife and their son. It was a lot of fun. We hadn't seen them in a while. I also haven't met their son Brooks. That's right Brooks. Same name but he's only about 1 year old.

So, these pictures are outside Cafe Rio with the Udy's and Brooks 2.0

Enjoy Udy's I'll do better and keep my blog updated more often.

more pics from Russia

D and K after our delicious sunday lunch.

Does this car look like its from London? Well you are correct. I had a layover and had to check my bag. They only let you carry on a 3inch by 10 inch bag. So I had to go outside and say Hey, I'm in London. So I took a picture of this Taxi. And when you are in London you have to say Rubbish So, I said this is rubbish that I can't see the city. I think I used that right.

Church in Krasnyarsk. There are 3 branches in the city. The members there were very nice and they spent a lot of time talking with me. After this we went to Konstantin's apartment and his mom made us dinner it was good.


This a picture of a guy on a train. This was boxcar. Boxcar is the worst possible way to travel. It is kind of community style. You don't have any privacy. You sleep in the car with everyone else. It was an interesting experience.

From Russia with Love

My bed. It is only about 6 feet long and that doesn't work when you are 6'4"

Inside our train cabin. This was my home for a couple of days. 2 weeks of traveling and I only stayed in a hotel for 4 nights I think.

This was our mode of transportation through Russia. That's right the train. I flew into Moscow and rode trains the rest of the time. Trains are kinda fun. Well when you don't ride them for 38 hours. We rode one leg for 38 hours all the rest were a little less.

This is Krasnyarsk a really beautiful city where our Russian office is. This is from my hotel room. Traveling by yourself mean that you have to take all your own pictures.

I took this picture in the train station in Moscow. The lighting was really cool so I took a picture. We were going to go to Red Square but we got caught in a traffic jam. So, we didn't get to see it but, maybe next time.

I've been really slackin' I've got about 4 months worth of adventures that I've not posted. I guess I'll have to at least post some pics from My Russia trip.

I've got to post my europe trip for my mom's birthday and China as well.
I've been slackin' so I will try to catch up and get some stuff posted. I really don't have any really interesting pictures from Russia. But,anyways I'll try to keep this up a little better.

Here are the Russian pictures enjoy.