this is us at the booth at the german show. I had a good time with these guys. One was from Japan one was from Belgium, and one from the UK.

koln at night with my new scarf. I bought 2 scarfs there. Why? I don't know. I was feelling scarfy.

the rhien river in Koln.


hot car. this is like an a5. I don't know if we get this in the states. I thought it was pretty slick looking. I wanted to see the porsche factory. But I guess you have to sign up 3 month in advance. BOOOO.. SO this was my only german car experience.

This was the post man's bike. He had training wheels on it. I was kind of suprised to see that they still deliver mail on a bike.

Do you know what is universal no mater where you go? GOTHS. i LOVE THEM.
THESE GUYS MADE ME FEEL LIKE HOME. A lot of the kids were wearing old german nazi uniforms. it was sweet. They just made me feel so good.

a german shepard in germany. It's like rain on your wedding day. It's a free ride when you've already paid. I hope I see an english bulldog in England later this month. Then I'll only be 10 pictures away from an ironic dog calander. Be prepared for that. I've got your Christmas gifts covered this year.

Forever 18??????? I thought it was forever 21. I always like to see the knock-offs when I travel.

German mickey mouse. It is like he's old school.
Labels: audi, braut, german goths, german mouse, germany, goths