Charlie and the chocolate factory

the stork candy machine. why don't they have these anymore.

put in your coin and the stork drops you a present out of his hind end. hmmmmm.. tempting

This is like the first candy machine ever. The scary gnome doesn't make me want to buy a bar.

This was a chocolate display, can you see something wrong with this?

i don't know if an angry employee did this or what? But this really stuck out to me.
Chocolate and the middle finger don't go well together well.

I thought this was a legless gnome so i took a picture now i realize that it is a soccer gnome after scoring a goal.

I Really liked this one because i think it would trick kids into eating vegtables. But after you've eaten a chocolate corn on the cob how can you go back to the real one?

chocolate forms

chocolate getting processed into forms.

This was as close as i'll ever get to the chocolate river like the one in Charlie and the chocolate factory. flowing chocolate tree.
I'll eat nothing that comes from a stork's anus and I don't like little gnomes that flip me off.
I'm willing to reconsider if the chocolate's good.
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