Bianca's show coming in Nov.3rd

Well, if I've never told you about Bianca's musical talents where have you been?
Bianca is Cristi's sister and has an amazing voice. No I mean amazing. "A lot of people say oh I love your voice or wow you are a good singer".
But, Bianca is legit. Her voice is super good. She also writes her own songs so that adds to her appeal.
go to her myspace page to hear some tunes.
Cristi also has her songs on her website
I'm sure you'll agree that she rocks.
anyways, she has a cd release party coming up. please see the picture.
It is going to be awesome. They have a guy opening and then Bianca is going to rock the stage.
It is going to be at the Wells Fargo bldg. at the top floor in Down town SLC.
so it'll be sweet.
So come on out. it'll be awesome bring your friends.
if you like the cd it'll be on sale.
i got a sneak preview and it is awesome.
I think she sounds like jewel and a bit like the girl who sings bubbly. So if you like that whole vibe you'll enjoy.
If you want me to snag some cd's let me know and i'll bring them back up to Idaho. But, if you are in slc come and get one yourself.
It'll be off the hook.
Her song Grateful was a song she wrote after we visted El Salvador and we spent time in the dumps. So that was a song she wrote for to put on the documentary.
Come on out. It'll be good to see you all. Tell your friends we want to fill up the 23rd floor.
it's a free concert so there's no reason why you shouldn't come. Bring your girlfried or wife and tell her you reserved some really expensive tickets, she'll be impressed.
Labels: bianca merkley, cd release, concert, music, new artist, new music