Tuesday, October 23, 2007

funny website

I think this is super funny.

When I travel I always take pictures of when things are spelt wrong. I just think it is funny. This website has mis-spellings of english words.

I see these all the time when I travel.

SOmetimes it is just something small other times it is just murdered. When there are sayings or things like that, that's when there are the most problems.

Here's the link.

and a little blurb about it.
What is it? First of all, this is not a dig at any of the world's peoples. English is a complicated and nuanced language. Many folks in non-English-speaking countries--in the tourism industry, for instance--learn the language in a good-faith effort to communicate with (sell things to) their English-speaking customers. But sometimes it all goes wrong. Engrish.com dedicates itself to collecting hundreds of examples of these unfortunate (mis)usages from around the world, and in a bunch of different categories, such as Signs and Product Packaging.
Why is it funny? For the novice, writing in English can be a walk through a minefield. One misplaced word or poor sentence construction can give an innocent message a whole new meaning.
Bonus: While you're at it, take a look at this small collection of English-language mishaps, assembled by Kaare Danielson. One sign, seen in a Japanese hotel, says: "You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid."

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