Saturday, January 28, 2006
Key West is the BEST!!!!

This was ap picture I took of the moon and some lights driving back from Key West. It was an awesome moon but Couldn't figure out how to snap a picture of it.

Sunset on the highway.


Hemmingway spent a lot of time in Key West fishing and ended up building a house there as well. Interesting guy.

You gotta love superman.

Oh no Sponge man. You gotta loves sponge man, he's just an old softy.

On the docks at Key West

Let me see. If you are driving a Bentley I don't think anyone is feeling too sorry for you. But when you put a liscence plate that says tuf life I just think you're asking to get cut off more often than the average guy. I like when people have cleaver plates on their car but, when your car cost more than my house that's when plates should show a little class. Anyways, I thought this was pretty funny.
This was a car we saw on the way down to Key west from Miami
Monday, January 23, 2006
Miami Beach/ South Beach

Sunset over Miami

Vette at the car show at south beach.

So-be as the locals call it is a really nice beach. I'm not going to lie.

This picture was just a classic. There are a lot of dogs on South Beach mainly small dogs. I hate small dogs. I guess I shouldn't say Hate. There are a few I could roll with. I just hate she-she dogs. The ones that are with their owner and their owner's kids and the dog looks better than the kids. Laced up with Diamonds and all that. That's too much for me. Dress your kids then your dog. In that order.
Anyways, this picture was just so funny. Here's the biggest dog in the world and the smallest. The big one looked like he was going to eat the small one.

Mari and Cristi I have no clue who the tall lady is.

Finished empanada

Cristi and the pizza master Mari outside of Sopranos.

Mari's pizza place on South Beach. If you are down that way check it out. It's on Washington 2 blocks from Ocean Dr.

Cristi on South Beach

view from Mari's apartment

Art deco style on south beach


Space the final frontier. We went to the space center while we were out in flordia visiting the distriburion center there. Cool place. The day we were flying out they were supposed to launch a rocket to Pluto but it got delayed because of Wind.

Brinlee and Cristi at the fish tank.

The BASS PRO SHOP FISH TANK. This is Brinlee checking out the fish.

Here's a picture of our friends in Flordia. The took us to this great little town. It's actually the area where the Truman show was filmed. It was a picture perfect town.
We had a good time with the Williams because they showed us some southern hospitality.
Thursday, January 19, 2006

I don't know how this one happened but the bottome of my little toe is just one big blister.

3 blisters on this foot.
I've been asked what a marathon does to you physically. Good question.
The best way to explain it is with pictures. I mean of course you get sore joints and muscles but this picture will give you a better idea of what the race did to my feet.
I bought brand new shoes that had never been worn from the adidas outlet because I had some old shoes that I was going to wear that were basically just worn out. I've heard that you never run in new shoes and I've heard other people say that it doesn't really matter. I just have big feet. Nike makes a pair of shoes that are super light and you actually just wear them for the race and then chuck them. So who knows.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Walt Disney World Marathon or as I like to call it 26.2 miles of torture
The race was a lot of fun. I was hurting when it was all said and done. One of my feet was really hurting when it was said and done. I think I bruised my foot or something. There were a lot runners. The day before the marathon they run a 1/2 marathon and we found out that a 40 year old professional golfer from Arizona finished the race and then collapsed. We didn't hear about that until after our race.
The course is really pretty flat. You run throgh a lot of the theme parks or around them. It was pretty cool to run through Epcot center in the morning with all the buildings lit up. We ran through Japan, China, Mexico, Italy, Germany. It was really cool. We had our names on our numbers that we were wearing so while you were running there were a lot of people cheering so, they'd yell at you while you were running by and say things like, "Go Brooks. Keep it up! You can do it Brooks!" It was pretty cool. I kept thinking do I know that person?
I think once I can run again I may do another Marathon. I want to do a half marathon before I do that. I didn't train as much as I should have. I had only run 10 miles before the race. That was my farthest and I had only done it once. Mostly I did little 3-6 mile runs. The other fun suprise of the race was that when we rolled out there it was only about 36 degrees. It was pretty cold. As the race got going everyone was wearing pants, sweats, jackets, hats, etc... As the race got going and as the sun came up there were people chucking their stuff on the side of the road. It was pretty funny. Right at the starting line there were blankets and jackets and a ton of stuff. It was crazy. As we were running by I said I bet you could make a ton on money off all the stuff you picked up. Right after I said that there was a couple picking up stuff on the side of the road. There were things everywhere. It looked like someones closet had exploded.
Maybe I was so tight during the race because I didn't wear any sweats out there. Maybe because I didn't stretch out good. Or most likely it was because I hadn't trained at all. hmmmmmmm....
So next time I'm going to try to train better.
Here are some pictures from the Marathon.
There were supposedly around 30,000 people there. We were in the middle of the group. It was a little crazy.

Group shot

Ryan and Blake in the mist.

Scott Todd Blake and Ryan as we wait for the race to start.

Cristi and I as we wait for the race to start. It's about 5:30 am.

The race started and then we started shuffling towards the start. After they started the race we finally crossed the starting line about 8 minutes later.

Scott was pretty pumped to be running. We hadn't even run a mile and he was throwing his arms up. To be honest the first few miles everyone was talking and joking and having a good time about mile 8 it got pretty quiet no one was really talking. It was pretty funny.

On the run.

Blake and Scott on the run.

Another view of the Disney Castle

The shot of the Castle as we ran up to it.

Twiddle d and twiddle dumb

The enchanted castle.

Me in front of the Castle. I know it may look like I peed my pants but, that's vasaline that I slathered pretty much anywhere my body rubbed. So, there was a lot of vasaline usage going on during the reace.

There were a lot of people who were wearing costumes

Some Patriotic dogs. What I don't get is why Pluto can't talk and Goffy can't. They are both dogs aren't they. Neither would comment on the issue.

Country Bears are a little goofy looking up close.

Mile 11

Bear Crossing

Sailor Donald

New ride at Disney. I can't remember what it's called. It looks pretty cool. But it wasn't open yet.

Safari Mickey and Minnie.

This was a couple that I ran with for a bit. They were really cute. The guy had run over 100 marathons and actually they had run the whole race holding hands while they were running. I couldn't even lift my hands towards the end. Cristi was said she was going to run with me too so we could finish together. But after the first 3 miles or so I lost sight of her. She ended up finishing a full 2 hours ahead of me. Yeah, I don't know if I could have held hands with her the whole time.

Here I am with Woody.

Chicken Little and his girlfriend and myself chillin' on the corner. By this point taking pictures with the characters was a lot better option than running for me. My body was really hating me.

Down town NEW YORK. I'm running the New York Marathon. Oh wait this is a set on the Disney MGM studio.

Snow White and Dopey were there cheering us on.

The Epcot ball was the last real site at Disney World before the race ended.

At the last mile there was a gospel choir singing.

The final mile marker after 26 miles I was wondering if it was actually real.

The finish line is a very welcome site after running for 6 hours. I know I know 6 hours isn't too quick. But, I was pretty happy just to finish. I really don't think that my body has ever hated me more.

Blake, Scott, Todd, Ryan, and myself. after the race.

This is the Woodgrain Marathon team after the race.

Bling bling it's a disney Marathon thing. This is a close up of our medal. It's a hefty thing.
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Woodgrain Running team offical shirt. PLease believe it.

Brothers after the Race.

Cristi, Todd, Ryan and myself after the race.

After the Race Cristi and I met up with our good friends Mickey and Minnie. I didn't want to say anything to anybody but I think Minnie had something for me she said something to me about her place and cheese. Anyways, I don't want to cause any problems with Mickey because we go way back.
The course is really pretty flat. You run throgh a lot of the theme parks or around them. It was pretty cool to run through Epcot center in the morning with all the buildings lit up. We ran through Japan, China, Mexico, Italy, Germany. It was really cool. We had our names on our numbers that we were wearing so while you were running there were a lot of people cheering so, they'd yell at you while you were running by and say things like, "Go Brooks. Keep it up! You can do it Brooks!" It was pretty cool. I kept thinking do I know that person?
I think once I can run again I may do another Marathon. I want to do a half marathon before I do that. I didn't train as much as I should have. I had only run 10 miles before the race. That was my farthest and I had only done it once. Mostly I did little 3-6 mile runs. The other fun suprise of the race was that when we rolled out there it was only about 36 degrees. It was pretty cold. As the race got going everyone was wearing pants, sweats, jackets, hats, etc... As the race got going and as the sun came up there were people chucking their stuff on the side of the road. It was pretty funny. Right at the starting line there were blankets and jackets and a ton of stuff. It was crazy. As we were running by I said I bet you could make a ton on money off all the stuff you picked up. Right after I said that there was a couple picking up stuff on the side of the road. There were things everywhere. It looked like someones closet had exploded.
Maybe I was so tight during the race because I didn't wear any sweats out there. Maybe because I didn't stretch out good. Or most likely it was because I hadn't trained at all. hmmmmmmm....
So next time I'm going to try to train better.
Here are some pictures from the Marathon.
There were supposedly around 30,000 people there. We were in the middle of the group. It was a little crazy.

Group shot

Ryan and Blake in the mist.

Scott Todd Blake and Ryan as we wait for the race to start.

Cristi and I as we wait for the race to start. It's about 5:30 am.

The race started and then we started shuffling towards the start. After they started the race we finally crossed the starting line about 8 minutes later.

Scott was pretty pumped to be running. We hadn't even run a mile and he was throwing his arms up. To be honest the first few miles everyone was talking and joking and having a good time about mile 8 it got pretty quiet no one was really talking. It was pretty funny.

On the run.

Blake and Scott on the run.

Another view of the Disney Castle

The shot of the Castle as we ran up to it.

Twiddle d and twiddle dumb

The enchanted castle.

Me in front of the Castle. I know it may look like I peed my pants but, that's vasaline that I slathered pretty much anywhere my body rubbed. So, there was a lot of vasaline usage going on during the reace.

There were a lot of people who were wearing costumes

Some Patriotic dogs. What I don't get is why Pluto can't talk and Goffy can't. They are both dogs aren't they. Neither would comment on the issue.

Country Bears are a little goofy looking up close.

Mile 11

Bear Crossing

Sailor Donald

New ride at Disney. I can't remember what it's called. It looks pretty cool. But it wasn't open yet.

Safari Mickey and Minnie.

This was a couple that I ran with for a bit. They were really cute. The guy had run over 100 marathons and actually they had run the whole race holding hands while they were running. I couldn't even lift my hands towards the end. Cristi was said she was going to run with me too so we could finish together. But after the first 3 miles or so I lost sight of her. She ended up finishing a full 2 hours ahead of me. Yeah, I don't know if I could have held hands with her the whole time.

Here I am with Woody.

Chicken Little and his girlfriend and myself chillin' on the corner. By this point taking pictures with the characters was a lot better option than running for me. My body was really hating me.

Down town NEW YORK. I'm running the New York Marathon. Oh wait this is a set on the Disney MGM studio.

Snow White and Dopey were there cheering us on.

The Epcot ball was the last real site at Disney World before the race ended.

At the last mile there was a gospel choir singing.

The final mile marker after 26 miles I was wondering if it was actually real.

The finish line is a very welcome site after running for 6 hours. I know I know 6 hours isn't too quick. But, I was pretty happy just to finish. I really don't think that my body has ever hated me more.

Blake, Scott, Todd, Ryan, and myself. after the race.

This is the Woodgrain Marathon team after the race.

Bling bling it's a disney Marathon thing. This is a close up of our medal. It's a hefty thing.
or:hand;" src="" border="0" alt="" />

Woodgrain Running team offical shirt. PLease believe it.

Brothers after the Race.

Cristi, Todd, Ryan and myself after the race.

After the Race Cristi and I met up with our good friends Mickey and Minnie. I didn't want to say anything to anybody but I think Minnie had something for me she said something to me about her place and cheese. Anyways, I don't want to cause any problems with Mickey because we go way back.