Key West is the BEST!!!!

This was ap picture I took of the moon and some lights driving back from Key West. It was an awesome moon but Couldn't figure out how to snap a picture of it.

Sunset on the highway.


Hemmingway spent a lot of time in Key West fishing and ended up building a house there as well. Interesting guy.

You gotta love superman.

Oh no Sponge man. You gotta loves sponge man, he's just an old softy.

On the docks at Key West

Let me see. If you are driving a Bentley I don't think anyone is feeling too sorry for you. But when you put a liscence plate that says tuf life I just think you're asking to get cut off more often than the average guy. I like when people have cleaver plates on their car but, when your car cost more than my house that's when plates should show a little class. Anyways, I thought this was pretty funny.
This was a car we saw on the way down to Key west from Miami
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