Recent pics & Finals

Da boys earlier in the day (st. patty's) we went to a spring training game. Seattle against the Padre's.

A few weeks back we went to dinner with our friends for Ean's bday here's a shot of all the girls Ean's wife Ali was prego at the time and so was Jeni. Jeni is expecting after graduation and Ali and Ean just had their baby a few weeks ago.

McCall IN JAIL. Ok she's at the Padres house on the stairs I don't know what that look means

CRISTI AND HER Cousin Hilda on a recent visit here in AZ
Well, Thunderbird is almost in the rearview mirror. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't miss the place. School has been incredibly insightful for me. I've really enjoyed it. I think it opened my mind to new things and really broadedened my global mindset. Graduation is in almost 1 week. It's getting crazy with final projects and finals. I've got 4 major papers due this week and 2 presentations. I've already knocked out one final and one presentation. It's really getting down to it.
I'll miss Thunderbird and the people I've met here. I'm sure I'll see some of them soon but, It's been a great cultural melting pot on campus and I've learned a lot from the people I've gotten to associate with as well as my Profs.
So, anyways
I decided to post some recent pics as well because I haven't done so in quite a while.