I hopped a plane for Dubai after this picture. Bye London.
i liked the name of this restraunt. Plain and simple
this is a person not a statue
I've seen this done a lot but this really looked like a statue
i thought this was a clever way to make money. I'm going to start doing this in Boise to make some spare cash.
storm troopers in London? hmmmm....
telephone booth
bad boys bad boys what ya gonna do? i don't know if it was that this guy was a small dude or that he had on that funny hat. If you had to run after a thief would your hat stay on? hmmmm...
picidili circus- london's version of times squrea kinda
the field
chelsea football stadium. they had heat lamps on the field. It was pretty impressive.
lucky guy
the padres in the city of love
the tower at night
the fam at arc de triumph
what's that behind us? a tv antena
inside notre dame
it was a non-traditional thanksgiving dinner but crepes and baguettes under the shadow of Notre Dame was pretty fun to. The Baguettes were really good.
cafe on thanksgiving
A Dame infront of Notre Dame
outside the museum
Tanner presenting the Mona Lisa
mona lisa, mona lisa, I think it is crazy that you can take pictures here. They have all these priceless paintings and everyone can just take pictures.
hmmmm... very nice. i love art
where are your arms
davinci code anyone?
Pic of Cristi and my shadows in front of the louve.
Todd and Mel In PARIS
mc clean. this was at the French train station. UMMM..... I thought that the french were smelly. This was a bathroom that you had to pay for.
since tickets were 400 bones we decided to go watch a pub. that was pretty fun too. Croatia ended up winning and England won't be invited to the Eurocup. The next day they fired the coach. England is pretty serious about their soccer. This was supposed to be our sad face because we didn't get tickets but i guess I was the only one with that idea.
Stadium in London.
maybe if our surgeon genral warnings were this big in the US there'd be less people who smoked. Oh that's what it says. I thought that was just the nutritional value.
leaving the castle
not really sure what these guys do. I don't think they can see from under the furry hat. but it makes a great photo op.
our tour guide at the castle.
windsor castle
street near windsor castle
cristi in Windsor England with her trusty camera
Todd bought a little snack at the show. IT WAS cup full of gummi stuff.
outside of Wicked
Todd my pops and me at the show during the intermission
Here's the fam at Wicked pretty sweet for a musical.
outside the gate of the palace.
england's rose. the memorial walk. they love diana in England. I mean i like her too but come on.
walking back from Buckingham palace
this is the gate where the queen came out. I'll have to get a picture of the queen rolling out. I was filming it on the video camera so i didn't get a picture but Cristi did.
the gate to buckingham palace.
OUTSIDE BUCKINGHAM PALACE. The queen lives there. We saw her cruise out in her Bentleyfor her 60th wedding anniversary vaccation.
this was a kid's Hummer. It cost $3o,ooo bucks. what? why not just buy your kid the real thing?
this is inside Harrods. The engagement ring of Princess Diana and Dodi was there.
cristi and the double decker
cristi in the streets
big ben. I think the time was off a bit. I guess you don't want to set your watch by it or was it really mine.
the eye of london. On the streets of london with the fam.
the chopping block. off with her head.
the bridge
how come everytime I come around my London London bridge wanna come down? a little fregie ferg.
horse power
Medevil suv. this was one heavy horse.
the chapel with Cristi and I.
ummmmm..... yeah henry was a strange guy.
King Henery. He had a little bit of a weight problem
Mel and Cristi at the tower of London
tower of london
here's some of the pictures from our trip to London/France.
The trip was off the hook. We had a good time. We met up with the fam and had a good time.
We did all the good London things:
Wicked the musical
Eifel Tower
Arc de Triumph
lots of museums
Buckingham Palace (where we went to see the changing of the guard but only saw the queen)
Abbey Road
big Ben
little Ben
Eye of London
Tower of London
uhhhh... that's about it.
I didn't even see any people with bad teeth. England was pretty sweet.
Labels: baguettes, BIG BEN, chelsea football club, eifel tower, ENGLAND, english, eye of london, FRANCE, french, LONDON, mona lisa, Notre Dame, subway, train, UK, Wicked the musical, windsor castle