Goodbye to an old friend

Well today my ol' friend Mellow yellow is making a move. He's spent a little over a year up in this area and it was time to let him go. I sold Mellow Yellow the VW bus. I know I know. Why? I have to ask myself that. I just felt it was time to move on and let someone else enjoy him. Everytime I thought about selling him I would drive by someone else with a bus and they'd shoot me a peace sign. It happened to me in Arizona and it happened to me here too.
I was taking the vdub for a spin and a guy in a vw eurovan shot me a peace sign as he cruised by. So, it was almost like a sign not to sell. But, Kyle (new owner) drove down from Washington to pick it up. And he's got another vw which is cool. VW owners understand VW'S. So selling to him made me feel ok.
In memory of Mellow Yellow I've uploaded some pictures. Yo'll be missed ol' friend. Lots of good memories, even when your motor fell out.