Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mitt Romney for President??? Why not?

I've always had an interest in politics from an early age. I've never really gotten more involved in politics beyond running and serving in various positions in of Leadership in Middle school and High School. But, not more than that.
When I heard Mitt Romney was going to run for president I took notice. Mitt Romney is a Mormon and so am I. So, that's probably what peaked my interest in his announcement. So, I thought I'd look into the different candidate and see how they all stack up.

These are the early front runners that I can see so far. It is pretty early but, we'll see.

Obama- When they started talking about Obama a while back. I thought wow, this could be a potential player. He seems pretty smooth knows his stuff. I like the fact that he is young and hungry. His strikes he's young, his voting so far is pretty sporadic. I don't know if race is going to be a huge hurdle or not. I would hope in this day in age that it wouldn't be, but I'm sure it is going to be an issue. One of the things that I find disappointing is his admission to using drugs in his Youth. I don't know why, I know nobody is perfect, but you want those leading you to be or close to it. He was on Oprah and seemed like a smooth guy. I just don't know if he'll get it done.

Giuliani- Seemed to be the darling of the nation after 9/11. I think he handled himself well then after that he seemed to just to drop off the face of the earth. Sure, he threw out a couple of baseballs, but then disappeared. I don't know what I think about him. I don't like the guy had an affair. I mean it bugged me that Clinton did and worse he covered it up. Giuliani did come out and say it was true, but again it goes back to wanting our leaders to be perfect. The ethics of adultery used to be straightforward. "Thou shalt not commit adultery". Alas, it seems that some people missed that memo. I can't vote for him.

Clinton- I don't know what to think on ol' Hillary. I give her credit for sticking with Bill during all his scandals. She did put him on the couch for a long bit in the Whitehouse. It seems like there are a lot of people in her own party that don't like her. I think the popularity of Bill could help us. The fact that she is a woman sadly, will hurt her. I would like to say that our nation is ready for a woman president, but I think that some aren't ready for it. It may give women a great shot at the Whitehouse in the future. She may pave the road for others, but I don't know. She did win her senate race by a landslide, but NY isn't probably a slice out of the Nation's demographic. I'd like to see her run, but I don't think she can get it done.

McCain- The guy already ran once and lost. I don't know if he can do it either. I don't know what he's done really. He's ran his office well I guess. He supports almost all the war initatives that Bush does, which could prove unpopular. I lived in Arizona for quite few years. McCain seemed pretty well liked. There were a lot of transplants from California who moved to AZ for cheaper housing. So, there was a more and more people who didn't seem to like him in AZ. I don't think he can pull it off. He has a lot of political experience we'll see.

Romney- The guy was Governor in Mass. One of the most notable things he did I think was pass the Health Insurance bill. It is basically, like auto insurance. It requires all residents to have health insurance and it is affordable and in some cases free subsidised by the State. Many people are saying the Nation should adapt the same thing because of all the benefits. The guy is a leader. He saved the Olympics in Salt Lake he made a ton of money for Bain when he was the head there. You can't tell me that the economy doesn't need someone with some business sense to get things straightened out and put in sound policy. The guy is well connected in different sectors and has friends all over the place it seems. I don't think that he will have any problem pulling good people around him to fill in any voids or give him advice when needed. He recently held a fund raising campaign and raised 6.5 million dollars. That hasn't been done by anyone before. He did it using technology and his well connected friends. The president of EBAY was there I mean how much more connected do you need to be? Giuliani I heard raised 800k his first fund raising go. The guy is squeaky clean I doubt you could dig up much dirt on him. The thing I don't like is that he has waffled on the issues concerning gay rights, and other hot issues, etc. He needs to stick to his guns and stand up for what he believes. He's been married to his wife for a long time they met as kids when he lived in Michigan. I like what I've seen in him so far. I think that there is a long way to go. But, I always have to ask myself in a leader, Would I follow him? I think I could follow Romney.

So, time will tell it's a long road ahead. I just look online and see so much junk out there and figured I might as well post my opinion as well and post some of the facts I've seen so far. I will probably post any new info as I see it come up if it catches my eye.

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