Saturday, July 28, 2007

the last supper

I always have something super American before I go to China. Because I know I won't eat anything like that when I get there.

So the I had to stop by the King and get my whopper on. I don't eat Fast food very much nowdays. But, for some reason that burger always tastes so good before I leave. Makes you appreciate food a little more. Especially when I'm gone for extended periods of time.
I have noticed with each passing trip to China I get better and better at eating all the food.
I'm not picky and I'll try everything, but sometimes I really can't get it to go down. Is dry heaving at the table considered rude? How about gagging? Because there have been some times that I've come close.

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Blogger DC Diva said...

Brooks! Katie is in China right now w/ her job and she is HATING the food. Every email is about how much the food sucks. She's actually gotten really sick!

5:04 AM  

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