Mexico city

Well we recently went to Mexico City. It was a really great trip. There is so much to see and do there. We visited the Mexican Stock Market which was kinda interesting. We got to go and see some really cool things. I really like Mexico City it is probably one of my favorite cities. You always hear so much negativity about it. We were told to be careful with pickpockets and crime etc. etc. But, really it was great. This was my 3rd trip to Mexico City and I really enjoyed it as much as any of the previous trips. It was fun to be there with Cristi and our friends. We went to the Palacio de Bellas Artes which is a really great art mueseum and has some great works by rivera and Orozco. They are just so big and vibrant and really tell some awesome stories about Mexico's past.
We went to 2 ruin sites one of which is in downtown in the centro historico. They discovered the ruins in the 70's when the eletric co. was doing some work. They had no idea that they were there. The Spainards just built right over them. It's crazy to think that one culture took over another just like that and was basically just erased. We also went to some ruins that are quite impressive north of Mexico City. They were really crowed because we went on a Sunday but, they were neat to see. I had preiviously visited them with my cousin Matt. It amazes me how the Aztecs built such large edifices. My sandle broke coming down one of the temples which made it hard to get around I had to go barefoot for a little bit. After the ruins Cristi and I showed up late for the bus and got left but our trusty prof. Morris waited for us. The rest of the group went to a restaruant which is located in a cave. It was great. They had great food and entertainment as well. We ended up walking most of the way there and then grabbed a taxi. I guess the bus driver was supposed to come back and get us and went a different way than the way we walked to the restraunt.
Mexico city is about 6 hours from Guadalajara and we rode the bus the whole way there. It was not a bad trip. There are always interesting conversations going on when we travel. Having students from all over the world and who have traveled the world you get to hear a lot of cool stories. The students here from T-bird are all really close. There are only about 40 of us but it's been a good oppurtunity to get to know everyone better and hang out.
The Mexico city trip was a good break from mid-terms as well. I feel like all I was doing for 2 weeks was reading or doing practice problems. So, it was nice to finally finish some of my classes. I actually did pretty well too for being in Mexico A in finance and an A in Accounting. Let's hope my luck holds up for the rest of the semester.
I'll post more pictures from our trip. Enjoy!
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