Lama Temple

I was supposed to have a meeting with a lumber company yesterday but, it fell through So I had the day pretty much free. After checking some emails and going for a run I decided to see some other sites around the city. I had heard that the Lama Temple was worth the trip. So I hopped the subway and went up to see it. It was very beautiful. There was a lot of Hustle and Bustle going on around the city and once I entered the compound it got really quiet and peaceful. It is interesting because the monks still are there and use the facilities. There are a few different temples and in every one there is a statue of Buddah (sp?). Some were small and others were huge. One was so tall you really couldn't see the top of it insid the building because of the angle.
As you are walking from the subway to temple there are a lot of people selling incence, and I wasn't really sure why. As I got inside I understood why. There are places to light incence and say a prayer to Buddah. If your prayer is answered you must return and make an offering to thank Buddah. The whole place smelled of incence. I asked someone about religion and they said they weren't really big into religion in the North part of China but were in the South more.
Very interesting Experience.
Really pretty place
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