Foundation for a Better Life

This is a picture of my billboard from the foundation for a better life. I meant to post this picture a long time ago but kept forgeting or couldn't find it. For those who don't know what this is all about you can go to the foundations website
I donated bone marrow a couple of years ago and the foundation heard about it and added me to their campaign. The idea is to promote values and positive ideals. For me it's been a real honor. I get to share the honor with famous people who have done some really wonderful things. I honestly don't feel like donating bone marrow to a stranger was a big deal it pales in comparision to what some of the people in the campaign have done. But, it is a big honor. Go check out the website it explains the stories behind the billboards.
You may have seen some while out driving around your town. I used to see myself 45 feet wide almost everyday when I was Living in Salt Lake. It's also been fun to have friends call and tell me that they saw me on a billboard while they were somewhere traveling around.
But check out the website it's really inspirational what a lot of these people have done.
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